This week's homework:
Write about an animal. No, not your husband!
Seriously, most of us had some kind of pet growing up. If not, perhaps you had an experience with a friend's or neighbor's pet. The encounter may not have been the most pleasurable or it may have been one you would love to repeat.
I have a few tails, I mean tales to tell about animals in my life.
Of The Feline Nature
My parents didn't believe in animals being in the house, so I kept my kitty cats in the wild. They roamed the neighborhoods near and far. But they always returned to check in on me or the latest squirrel. My fav was Snowball. And Blackie, who was an untamed wild raging Tom Cat. Snowball, on the other hand hung close to home. They were brother and sister, but they never mentioned the connection. When my parents weren't home, I'd sneak Snowball in the house. Blackie wouldn't hear of it.
Then there was Mama Cat. She populated the neighborhood. Poor thing. Once my neighbor, who was deathly afraid of cats begged me to help him take Mama Cat off to populate some other territory.
I don't know what he said to convince me, but I finally agreed. So off we went in his Volkswagen Bug with Mama in the back, screeching and clawing the heck out of me. WE took her miles and miles across town. I remember thinking what had I got her into? When we arrived at the destination of his choice, he grabbed her and dumped her out of the car. And as if to confuse her, he spun the car around and around in circles. Then with terror on her face (and probably mine), he lit out of there like a bat outta ...well, you know where.
The most amazing thing happened. I prayed for forgiveness. Well, really the most astounding thing was that about a month later, I thought I heard a cat purring outside. I ran to the back door, only to find a weary worn cat with greying hair patiently, yet mournfully waiting for me to bring her a morsel of food. Our eyes met. My heart lept. Could this be? As she nuzzled up against my legs and purred, the answer quickly filled my spirit. Mama Cat! She came back! But more than anything, she forgave me! And she NEVER had to worry about my loyalty again. I took care of her from that day until she took her last breath!
OK, OK, so maybe I sound a little gooey. That's OK. I figure I'm allowed "goo" once a month!
Now this story was not to out do my animal break-down. Yes, I had a break-down...well, my resistance to dander! Here's the scoop:
The Night I Slept With Gomer
I went to a sleep-over party at a friend's house in the 7th grade. Are you ready for the confession? I slept with Gomer Pyle. Can you believe it? Probably not. Besides, you say, he was too old for me, not including the rumor that he was gay. Well, I don't know about any of that, but I can attest that he was a great bed partner!
OH my. Look folks, "he" was Siamese. Cat. I know, I know, who would name a cat Gomer Pyle? Vickie, my friend!
On with the story. I was more than happy to have him curl right up by my face and go to sleep with me. Only thing was the next morning when I woke up, I couldn't see. Or so I thought. Remember, I was just a child. I thought I'd gone blind. I was freaking out. Literally, I could NOT see. Did I mention that my eyes were swollen shut?
"Uh, Ellen, that might have something to do with your sudden blindness!" seemed to be coming out of the corners of my over excited little head.
Bottom line, according to the doc, was sleeping with Gomer did me in once and for all. He broke my resistance down, and I would suffer with cat allergies to even this day!!!
So I went from being a kitty lover to admiring their graceful qualities at a safe distance.
Both of my children have the same allergy. Hummm. Did sleeping with Gomer cause them to suffer as well? Well, you know they say the sins of the fathers will pass on into other generations! Oh well, Gomer was still worth it! Don't tell my kids!
Of Dogline Nature!
While I have many other stories, I think one of my fav is about a German Shepard POLICE Dog.
Police would be the operative word. I didn't give it much thought, at the time. Again, I was just a child. Well, in this case, I was about 19.
I had gone to pay my insurance. The agent was ahead of the times as he worked out of his house. No problem. I got out of the car, walked toward the house, when out of nowhere came a jet of fur. Attached to it were, snarling teeth. Not a good mix. At least not if you don't know much about doggies. He was for sure no Gomer Pyle. Sergeant Carter, yes!!!!
So I considered my options. And realized, I didn't have but one, or so it seemed. I froze in my tracks. And he made sure of it as he encircled me, daring me to step near his well drawn out territory.
I looked back over my shoulder at my attentive audience in hope to be rescued. They were in the car. You see my husband's aunt, her child, my child, and a dear grandma were frozen as well. I knew by the terror on their faces as they pressed them against the windows, I was in more trouble than I bargained for. And all because I was paying a bill? Would my insurance cover this possibly tragedy?
Regardless, I couldn't filter through the blaring sirens going off in my head. I think I had an out of body experience! Amazing what our minds will do in a moment of terror.
And just as suddenly as it all began, it came to a close...with "doggie" fangs wrapped around my thigh. If you have never been attacked by a mouth full of pointy teeth, be ever thankful. To this day, I can still feel his teeth puncturing through my corduroy jeans.
I thought it was over, when I heard my insurance guy screaming, "Jack, back off, NOW!!!!!! NOW, Jack. NOW!!!!" Suddenly, Jack the ripper, turned into a soft spoken pup. He whimpered away to the back yard.
The insurance guy, standing on his porch, with phone dangling, sorrowfully said, "Ellen, did he just attack you? Are you OK?" All I remember is everything was spinning around me. I didn't move an inch. He politely came to me and retrieved the check.
Yet, there was no consolation in that fear drenched moment. It was all I could do to make my way back to the car where the drama continued. My family couldn't get me in the car fast enough, checking me out from head to toe. I never spoke a word. Maybe it's called shock!
I can't tell you much more except that I NEVER went back to make another payment at any one's house again! And that I lost a good pair of jeans! But I got to keep my leg!
By the way, not long after, Jack broke his chain once again, only this time he was the one standing at death's door. And he walked through it. A car ran over him. Truth is, Jack was only doing what he had been taught. To protect his master's territory. Evidently, he didn't get the memo that day.
NOTE: This might be an example of a draft!
Copyright © 2008 by Write Memories 4 Life. All rights reserved.
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