
The View... From YOUR Perspective

Write about the events of the day. Current affairs. Historical events. Example? How about the fact that we are facing changing times in our nation come November 4, 2008. We will either have our first lady vice-president or our first African-American president.

Write a story about your view on this grand occasion. It's a perfect time to share your thoughts for others to gather around and discuss. Dangerous, you say? Perhaps, but think of the interesting conversation it may evoke at your next family gathering. Oh my. I'd love to be there!

NOTE: Are wondering why I included an xtra shot of Sarah? Answer: I've decided on the person I'll be voting for this fall. I'm voting for that guy on the FAR TOP LEFT corner! He's cute, and I hear he's great with kids. I believe his name is Todd. No worries, my hubby knows.

Copyright © 2008 by Ellen M. Samples. All rights reserved.

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